Having an outbreak of red skin bumps or chicken skin? Here’s 4 causes and their solutions for you to finally clear up your skin.

Everyone at some point in their life will get red bumps on their skin and research how they can get rid of them. Most of the time the fix will be simple, but you’re probably wasting tons of time searching the internet for that solution. The problem is that it is hard to even identify what skin condition you have. There are dozens of possible infections or diseases that could be the real cause of your bumps, and you have to figure that out first to be able to treat it. Here’s a quick list of the most common varieties of red bumps on your arms and your options for treating it.
The first and most dangerous thing you should try to rule out is an allergic reaction. Think back to any different that you have been near recently. Was their any natural material like leaves or foods that you were exposed more than normal to? Or maybe there was a chemical in something like a household cleaner that caused a reaction? If you think you some substance has caused the red bumps, avoid it and meet with your doctor for confirmation, treatment, and testing.
This is one of the most common and easily identifiable causes of red bumps on your face and shoulders, and one of the most hated parts of being a teenager. However, acne shows up on people of all ages and can occur on any part of the body. Most people have struggled with acne at some point in their life. There are many treatments systems and options to choose from like facial cleansers and topical treatments such as benzoyl peroxide.
Goose bumps
Goose bumps are a natural, harmless, and temporary skin reaction that can cause bumps on the arm. When you get cold, the muscles underneath the skin will contract to force the hair follicles to rise up. They don’t last long, and will go away on their own if they are really goose bumps. If they are red or irritated they probably aren’t actually goose bumps!
Keratosis Pilaris
30-50% of adults have keratosis pilaris, sometimes called chicken skin. These are red bumps that are usually on the back of arms, but they can actually be on most parts of the body. Keratosis Pilaris is a genetic condition that comes from hair follicles getting clogged and becoming irritated. The condition is totally benign and common. A lot of people try to fix their KP by exfoliating the skin, but unless you’re careful, this can actually irritate the bumps even more and makes the problem worse. For this condition, you can consider a keratosis pilaris skin cream.