We get a lot of emails here at KP Elements from people asking if what they have is actually KP, so I wanted to post some symptoms and signs here that you can use to help you determine if you have keratosis pilaris.
What does Keratosis Pilaris look like?
Keratosis Pilaris, sometimes called “chicken skin” or KP, is a very common skin condition that affects 50% of adults and 80% of teens. While not painful, keratosis pilaris does cause embarrassing and ugly white bumps on the thighs, buttocks and arms. It isn’t a serious or life threatening condition nor does it cause pain or itch. It is, however, hard to treat and annoying.
They symptoms of Keratosis Pilaris are easily identifiable. The bumps are small and dry and are white or skin colored and often flaky. For the most part they are painless but can become red, inflamed and itchy if you pick at them. KP most often first appears on the upper arms and then shows up on the legs and buttocks. Keratosis Pilaris Rubra Faceii is a specific type of KP that can develop on the face and is often mistaken for acne.
What Causes Keratosis Pilaris?
Keratosis Pilaris is the result of an overabundance of keratin in the skin. Keratin helps to protect the skin from infection but when it builds up it causes plugs to form around hair follicles in the skin. That’s what causes the bumps and redness.
Doctors most often do not prescribe a drug for treatment. Specialty lotions for keratosis pilaris like KP Elements are developed especially to treat the causes and symptoms of KP. Over the counter lotions can improve the look of the bumps and ease any itchiness.
Spotting Keratosis Pilaris is easy. Watch for small, dry bumps that don’t itch or hurt. Avoid picking at them; just apply your all natural KP Elements twice daily to the affected area for a week or two and you’ll be going sleeveless with confidence in no time :)