If you’re one of the 50% of adults and 80% of adolescents that suffers from Keratosis Pilaris, you know the symptoms of KP all too well. Painless, red bumps can be found on the faces, arms, legs, and buttocks of those with keratosis pilaris, and despite its pervasiveness, there is no cure. This leaves many people afflicted by KP to ask: Where did my KP come from? Did I do something to cause it? Is keratosis pilaris hereditary?
I have some good news and bad news. The bad news is: yes, keratosis pilaris is likely hereditary. The majority of people with keratosis pilaris report family members with similar symptoms. This condition is inherited as an autosomal dominant gene. For those of you who didn’t pay attention in biology, I’ll give you a quick run down.
If one of your parents has the gene for keratosis pilaris, you have a 50% chance of inheriting the condition as well. Even if your parent themselves does not have those pesky red bumps, they can still be carrying the gene and pass it down to you. It’s easy for to see how this condition affects over half of our population.
Now for the good news! Just because you have Keratosis Pilaris does not mean that you simply have to live with it. While there is no true cure, there are many ways to manage the bumps and give you smoother skin. KP Elements was created specifically to remove and reduce the appearance of keratosis pilaris bumps. Our body scrub exfoliates your skin to remove excess keratin and reduce irritation. Our Exfoliating Skin Cream uses lactic acid, vitamins, and essential oils to improve skin’s texture and tone. When used together, KP Elements Body Scrub and Exfoliating Skin Cream can reduce the appearance of keratosis pilaris in as little as 1 week!